When I visited Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate (牛頭角下邨) again last December, the buildings included my primary school (柏德學校) were empty and surrounded by fences. Some of the units with windows removed already … making them look like caves or pigeon hole. All the blocks will soon be demolished!
Luckily I found a website with tons of valuable photos of Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate in the old days - http://ntk.johnchoy.com/. This amazing slide show has photos in colour in the first section, black and white photos in the second section. It reflects the typical lifestyle of the residents in the past. They were not rich but happy; they were not living in a high-tech society but a self-sufficient, harmony society. The photos include old-style general store, cha chaan teng (Hong Kong style café), BBQ restaurant, hardware store, fabric store where Chinese wedding dresses were available, acupuncture clinic, noodle house, clothing store, fruit market, shoe store, dai pai dong (open-air food stall), Chinese pharmacy and old-style barber shop. It also has photos of different families living in this community such as seniors, family with kids, middle age couple, grandma with grandchild and male adults. It really brings me back the memory of my childhood since I lived just across Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate.
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