Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hong Kong Vacation - November/December 2012 (Part 1)

Back to Hong Kong at night on November 25 and stayed there til another trip to South East Asia on December 3. During this period, I enjoyed various things that are hardly found in Vancouver J

Sweet Chinese donut (牛脷酥) and little pudding cake (砵仔糕) for breakfast. They were fresh-made and the more common little pudding cake has some red beans (不過 this 砵仔糕係冇紅豆).

My brother and I tried the breakfast in Hong Kong McDonald’s… macaroni combo with harsh brown and hot chocolate. Each combo was accompanied with a free gift of travel-size Pantene shampoo.

Unlike Vancouver, there are much more home-made hot tofu puddings in Hong Kong. This one I had is in brown sugar 熱辣辣黑糖豆腐花, que deliciosa!!!

What is this? Hint: Can be found everywhere in Hong Kong. It’s also the logo of Hong Kong flag … Bauhinia or Hong Kong Orchid Tree (洋紫荊).

坐叮叮- taking tram would be fun if you have plenty of time. The only concern is you don’t want to miss the stop. But one of our professors who doesn’t speak Cantonese and Mandarin took the tram in Hong Kong by himself last October. I asked how he could manage it and he said just asked people (in English) and counted the number of stops to get off properly.

Every time when I travel to Hong Kong, I visit my old place – Amoy Garden (淘大花園). Finally Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate II (牛頭角下邨「二區」) has been completely demolished and I could see the whole Amoy Garden from Kowloon Bay station 九龍灣地鐵站. It is gone but the memory is hidden in the heart forever.

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