"That time. We used to be happy
Well, I thought we were
But the truth was that -
you had been longing to leave me
not daring to tell me"
"I'm standing here alone
It doesn't seem so clear to me
What am I supposed to do about
this burning heart of mine
Oh ! What am I to do!
Or how should I react?
Oh ! Tell me please!"
Stories - Viktor Lazlo
Thank God, he was finally in contact. I start to realize that he and I are actually not that close (原來他跟我是這麼遠). I don't understand him at all ... maybe I overestimated my importance in his heart. I start losing my trust in him. Love is actually vulnerable. 我又可以點呢?
Sorry suddenly see this message and feel sad it will happen to you. Hope you are alright. But just think about it deeply, normally it should be part of our life experience. It will happen all the time unless you are very luck because life will not be prefect all the time as we expect. We just need to learn how to accept it and to live better from the this experience. It seems you are more innocent not him. Just like you write it is inevitable for demolish in Ngau Tau Kok and thank have a fond memories. Why don't you apply to this case. If the love is gone is gone ( or changed is changed ). It is inevitable. Just thanks it bring you some wonderful memory in your valvable life time because everyone just got one life for their own (no repeat or got the second life again). Maybe some more wonder things is waiting for us in ahead. Try to relax and take it easy to yourself and keep on enjoy our valuable life in the future. Don't shut in the sad memory that you can't change it.
Hey, OT ... sorry for the extremely delayed reply. Hopefully it's still not too late. Thanks so much for your comment. I've experienced a lot in this love - many happiness and sadness and still it's part of my life with no regret. Anyways I'm totally fine now since I will fly to Hong Kong soon and will try to collect some information on 懷舊食物 and 徙置區 during my trip there. Wish you all the best!