VanDusen Botanical Garden was opened to the public in August of 1975. It is a 55-acre (22 hectare) garden with 7500 kinds of plants from around the world! Some plants have been saved from extinction since the garden provides a safe place for them to grow. Unlike parks and display gardens, botanical gardens are living museums and their plant collections are scientifically organized, documented and labelled.

Himalayan blue poppies in Sino-Himalayan Garden
Korean Pavilion - this hexagonal pavilion was a gift from the people of Korea at the end of 1986 World Expo in Vancouver. It is surrounded by Korean native plants such as its national flower, Hibiscus Syriacus (Rose of Sharon).
Canadian Heritage Garden
Chinese Witch Hazel (Hubei and Jiangxi Provinces)
Hydrangeas - native to Japan, Korea, Russia and Taiwan. Probably native to North America too since I see lots of them here in the summer. It is called 繡球花 in Chinese and Ajisai (紫陽花) in Japanese. I've seen them in different colours - white, pink, purple and purple blue. The one I like most is purple blue (紫藍色繡球花).
Pruning of Hydrangeas – in early spring cut out the three oldest stems at ground level to encourage the growth of new basal shoots. Cut back the old flower heads to leave only a strong pair of buds.
Laburnum Walk - I really love walking on the path, I was fascinated by its beauty - a curving pathway with Laburnum watereri ‘Vossi’ (watereri trees) and Ornamental Onion (purple onion flowers) planted on each side. What a perfect match!
I thought the below flowers were Moss Roses since there was a sign nearby, but they were not according to my research on the web. They look nice though ... anybody knows what roses they are???
The most common and typical roses - Hybrid Tea Roses
In the evening, we had dinner in its Shaughnessy Restaurant. We sat by the window with beautiful garden view. The ambience was quite nice - full of 田園氣色 (I felt like situated in a lovely garden and farm).
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