Monday, April 1, 2013

Memory of Leslie Cheung (September 12, 1956 – April 1, 2003)

Today, April 1st, is the 10th anniversary of Leslie Cheung’s death (張國榮逝世10周年).

I’ve written about him four years ago and asked if anyone knows where to buy the video of his summer concert 1985. I love the concert very much and it’s the best concert I have watched so far. Luckily someone named MJendlesslove posted the whole concert on Youtube last year, very appreciative!

Here is Leslie in Concert 85 (張國榮演唱會85) held in Hong Kong Coliseum (香港紅磡體育館) between August 2 and August 11 in 1985. It is divided into part 1 and part 2:

Leslie also released a CD “夏日精選-全賴有你” (Summer Best Collection - Depends on You) in 1985 with many wonderful songs recorded for the beautiful and refreshed summer. One of them was called 留住昨天 …

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